Canadian Pay Stubs

Instantly Generate Professional Pay Stubs

Tax, CPP and EI Deductions Calculated For You

Save employee information and auto-generate pay stubs

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Let OneTwoPay calculate the deductions for you

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Generate a T4 report to help with completing T4s

Add cash and non-cash taxable benefits

Add year-to-date income and deductions

Preview your pay stub before purchasing

Email pay stubs to yourself and forward to your employees

Simple pay stubs take less than a minute!

Warning: Unfinalized Pay Stubs
It appears you have pay stubs for this employee which are not yet finalized. To ensure accurate Year-To-Date (YTD) calculations, we recommend finalizing all pay stubs before creating new ones. Only finalized pay stubs can be used to auto-populate YTD values when creating new pay stubs. Pay stubs created in error can be deleted on the My Pay Stubs page.
It appears you have already started at least one pay stub for this employee which is not yet finalized. To ensure accurate Year-To-Date (YTD) value calculations we recommend creating an account or signing in and finalizing existing pay stubs. Only finalized pay stubs can be used to auto-populate YTD values when creating new pay stubs.

Why do I need to do this?

This enables accurate Year-To-Date (YTD) calculations based on the previous, finalized pay stub you select. YTD and current period income, deductions, date fields and settings from the the chosen pay stub will be used to auto-populate this pay stub. You can review and edit any fields that need to change before saving.

Close this pop-up to ignore previous pay stubs
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